How to Stay Focus During Tournaments
It’s easy to get distracted during a competition (Oh look, a bird in the sky or woah, who’s that cute person on the sideline?) and that’s how performance drops and games are lost. Keep up your concentration—and your game—with these easy tricks:
Establish a routine to mentally prepare yourself for physical activity. According to sports psychologist Dr. William Wiener, creating a cue can help signal to your brain when it's time to play. For example, basketball players may slap the court's floor as a way to set the clock in their minds and indicate that game time has officially begun. This technique can help you distinguish between when you're "on" and when you're "off" and improve your overall performance.
It's important to take breaks to refresh your mind. According to Dr. John F. Murray, a clinical and sports psychologist, and author of the Mental Performance Index, people lose focus when they try to concentrate too hard for extended periods of time. To avoid this, build in a short break when you notice your mind starting to wander. Take a deep breath and imagine yourself on a beach for a few seconds, and then quickly return to the task at hand.
It is crucial to know your cues in sports, according to Dr. Patrick Cohn, a sports psychologist and founder of Peak Performance Sports in Orlando, Florida. Focal cues are the important thoughts, images, feelings, and targets that you need to concentrate on. Once you have identified them, you will be able to recognize them as signs that it is time to focus. Additionally, it is important to identify distractions that you should avoid focusing on. To tune out distractions, you must first be able to recognize them.
When playing a game, it is important not to overthink your actions. According to clinical health psychologist Dr. Jayme Albin, questioning yourself can take you out of the zone. To avoid this, focus on achieving the next physical goal and break down the game into smaller parts. For instance, if your aim is to outrun the other players, focus on doing that first, then think about what you need to do next. By concentrating on achieving these mini goals, you will remain focused on the game.
It is important to maintain focus not only while on the court, but also throughout your day. Your mind functions the same way both on and off the court. Set small goals for yourself and practice staying grounded in the present moment. The more effort you put into it, the more natural it will become.
It's important to challenge yourself. If you're not being challenged enough in school, you might lose focus and start misbehaving. According to Dr. Michael Fraser, a clinical psychologist and chief of staff at Behavioral Associates in New York City, there comes a point where you need to move up to the next level. If you find it difficult to stay focused, it might be time to reconsider your approach and seek guidance from your coaches. You could be ready to take on more complex tasks and challenges.
It is crucial to write down process goals for each practice and make a habit of working on them daily. To get mentally focused before a practice or game, there are various techniques you can use. One of them is the WIN method, which stands for "what is now." This technique helps you focus on the present moment and what you need to do at that very moment. Another technique is the OPEN method, which stands for One Play Execute Now. This method allows you to remain focused and regain your concentration regardless of what happened in the previous play.
As an athlete, it is advisable to write down your process goals and focus on achieving them during each practice. Process goals are different from outcome goals that many athletes tend to focus on. Process goals are specific and measurable actions that you need to take to improve your performance. For instance, instead of focusing on the outcome, such as winning the game, you can set process goals such as improving your ability to beat your defender regularly with either hand. By focusing on the process, you will always improve your performance.
Remember to:
Always plan ahead for what you are going to eat
Obtain adequate amounts of protein
Work on Flexibility
Supplement your diet with fish oil and multi-vitamin - STAY HEALTHY!