Join us for food, games, and relaxation.

Please bring your picnic essentials (blankets, chairs, etc.)

🎉 Potluck Party Sign-Up 🎉

What will you bring?
(Please check one or more options and give us a little detail!)

Updated Potluck List 8/18

  • Hamburgers

    Hot Dogs

    Spam Musubies

    Sushi Bake

    Chicken Katsu

  • Guacamole Dip

    Elote Corn

    Justice’s Mac & Cheese

    Juju’s Mac and Cheese

    Fruit Salad

  • Chocolate Chip Cookies

    Strawberry Cupcakes


    Fresh fruit salad (non-dairy)

  • Water

    Juice boxes


    Sparkling Flavored Water

    Coca cola Sodas